Our Practice

Appointment types

We’d always love to see you in person, but we understand that this isn’t always possible. We provide a range of appointment types, including:


Phone and video consultations

In-person visits

Home visits

Cancellation policy

If you need to cancel your scheduled appointment or cannot attend, please notify our reception team as soon as possible.

We require at least 2 hours’ notice for cancellations for GP appointments.

For New Patient appointments and procedures, we require at least 24 hours’ notice for cancellation.

For new patients, a non-refundable booking fee of $70.00 is required at the time of booking. This fee will be deducted from the total cost of the consultation on the day.

Cancellation fees start from $50.00.

For further details on our cancellation and non-attendance policy, please refer to our website or speak with our helpful reception team.

After hours and Emergency care

In the case of an emergency, we urge our patients to dial 000 immediately.

For existing patients seeking non-urgent medical assistance after hours, please contact the National Home Doctor Service at 13 SICK (137-425) or visit your closest hospital, such as Princess Alexandria Hospital or Mater Mothers Hospital in South Brisbane.

The National Home Doctor Service offers home visits and operates weeknights from 6pm to 8am, weekends from 12 noon on Saturday, and all day Sunday and Public Holidays. They will coordinate with us regarding your visit to ensure your patient record remains current and appropriate aftercare is provided.

Recalls & Reminders

Our practice employs recall and reminder systems to guarantee timely and appropriate patient care. 

The terms “reminder system” and “recall system” are often used interchangeably, but they can have slightly different meanings depending on the context:

Reminder System

A reminder system sends patients notifications or alerts to remind them of upcoming appointments, screenings, or follow-up visits. These reminders can be sent via phone calls, text messages, or letters. These reminders are not compulsory; you can opt out of them; however, they are recommended for continuity of care.

Recall System

A recall system involves actively recalling patients who may be due for specific healthcare interventions, such as follow up appointments, screenings, vaccinations, or routine check-ups. The recall system identifies patients who are overdue for these interventions and prompts them to schedule appointments to ensure they receive timely care.

While both reminder and recall systems aim to improve patient care by ensuring timely appointments and interventions, a reminder system focuses on reminding patients of existing appointments or upcoming tasks. A recall system, on the other hand, actively recalls patients who are due for specific healthcare interventions.

Test results

If you’ve been referred for a test, we advise scheduling a follow-up appointment with your GP within three to four days.

If no appointment has been arranged and your doctor needs to see you, our Practice Nurse will contact you within one week after the test has been completed to arrange another appointment. Urgent matters will be addressed promptly to ensure appropriate follow-up care is provided.

How can I receive a copy of my results?

If you wish to obtain a copy of your results, we kindly request that you discuss them with your doctor or nurse first. For all other results marked as “no action,” our reception team can provide them pending the consent of your GP.

Can I call for my results?

Please feel free to call our practice between 2-4 pm Monday to Friday if you’d like to discuss your results with our nurse. However, if your doctor has requested an in-person discussion of these results, please schedule an appointment accordingly.

Communication policy

Phone and email Communication

Here at Sirona Women’s Health, we understand the importance of real-time conversations. Therefore, we have transitioned away from email as our primary form of communication to adhere to relevant Privacy Principles and ensure a more efficient and reliable service for our patients.

For any booking requests or post follow-up advice, we encourage you to contact us via phone. Our dedicated reception staff will be available to assist you, and while interruptions during consultations are limited, urgent queries will be addressed promptly.

Documents and forms can still be emailed to the practice at reception@sironawh.com.au. However, it is important to remember that you should call 000 or go to the closest emergency department in an emergency.

Interpreter Services, Disabilities & Vision Impaired

A directory of translator and interpreter services, as well as services catering to patients with disabilities, is consistently maintained, frequently updated, and easily accessible to all reception staff and GPs.

Some of our most used services include:
  • National Relay Service (NRS) – 1800 555 660
  • Auslan services – 1300 AUSLAN
  • Translation and Interpreter Service (TIS) Doctors Priority Line – 1300 131 450
An image of the Auslan Services logo.
An image of the Translation and Interpretation Services logo.
An image of the My Health First logo.


Our practice is utilising MyHealth1st for our recall and reminder system, online bookings, repeats, health initiatives and broadcasts! 

MyHealth1st provides a dependable and trustworthy digital platform, empowering you to communicate and connect with our healthcare providers effortlessly.

Repeat prescriptions and referrals

Sirona Women’s Health accepts repeat prescription and referral requests through our online booking system, MyHealth1st. To request repeat prescriptions and referrals, please use our online platform.

Please note that this process incurs a $30.00 booking fee and a small processing fee.

Eligibility criteria apply.


Sirona Women’s Health will participate in a comprehensive accreditation program, which involves being assessed by a team of independent surveyors. This rigorous evaluation ensures that our practice meets and exceeds the stringent requirements set forth by the RACGP.

By achieving accreditation, we demonstrate our dedication to continuous improvement and a commitment to providing our patients with the highest standard of care.


Your feedback is invaluable to our team as we continuously strive to enhance our service and patient experience. 

There are several different ways you can provide feedback:

  • The suggestion box, which you can find in our waiting room
  • Talk to your GP
  • Speak to our lovely receptionists
  • Email our Practice Manager

We value your perspective and take all feedback we receive seriously. We understand that despite our best efforts, concerns may arise, and we’re dedicated to addressing them promptly and effectively.

We value your perspective and take all feedback we receive seriously. We understand that despite our best efforts, concerns may arise, and we’re dedicated to addressing them promptly and effectively.

For matters that extend beyond our practice, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). 

As Queensland’s health service complaints agency, the OAIC serves as a single point of entry for all health service complaints in Queensland. You can contact them by phone at 1300 363 992 or visit their website at www.oaic.gov.au.

Take the first step towards better health

At Sirona Women’s Health, we’re dedicated to providing you with the personalised, high-quality care you deserve. Our experienced all-female clinic is ready to listen, support, and empower you through every stage of your healthcare journey.