
Pregnancy Services

Antenatal care & pregnancy check-ups

Experience exceptional antenatal care with Sirona Women’s Health. We offer parents comprehensive pregnancy check-ups to support you throughout your pregnancy. Our experienced all-female GP team offers personalised care tailored to your unique needs, ensuring both you and your baby are healthy and thriving. 

Regular check-ups allow us to monitor your pregnancy, address any concerns, and provide guidance for nutrition, exercise, and your overall well-being.

We collaborate closely with premier hospitals like Mater Mothers through the SharedCare program, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care at every stage of your pregnancy. We’re here to support you with compassion and a holistic approach to your pregnancy care.

Postnatal care

Our care for your well-being goes beyond childbirth with comprehensive postnatal care. Our all-female GP clinic is dedicated to supporting you through the important weeks and months following your baby’s arrival. 

You’ll receive personalised care to help you recover, both physically and emotionally. Your GP is here to guide you on breastfeeding, managing postpartum symptoms, and ensuring your overall health. 

Regular postnatal check-ups allow us to monitor your recovery, address any concerns, and provide essential support as you adjust to life with your new baby. Our compassionate team ensures you and your baby receive the best possible start in this exciting new stage of your life.

Support for unplanned pregnancy or termination of pregnancy

An unplanned pregnancy can bring a mix of emotions and challenging decisions. Our women’s health clinic has all female GPs consulting compassionately. We’re here to provide non-judgmental support and expert guidance, helping you navigate your options with care and sensitivity. 

Whether you choose to continue with the pregnancy or are considering termination, we offer comprehensive support tailored to what you need.

With Sirona Women’s Health, you can access confidential consultations, emotional support, and access to safe and legal termination options. We are committed to ensuring you feel supported, informed, and empowered to make the best decision for your health and well-being.

Why women in Brisbane choose us

Longer appointments
All female GPs
A whole-person approach to your well-being
Care based on the latest research and information
Calm and convenient clinic
Personal patient-practitioner relationships

Frequently asked questions

During antenatal care visits, our GPs will monitor your health and your baby’s development through physical exams, blood tests, ultrasounds, and discussions about your symptoms and concerns. We will also provide guidance on nutrition, exercise, and what to expect throughout your pregnancy.

Postpartum symptoms come with physical changes, emotional fluctuations, and fatigue. Our GPs can advise on managing these symptoms, including pain relief for physical recovery, strategies for emotional well-being, breastfeeding support, and tips for adjusting to new motherhood.

If you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, our GPs offer confidential and compassionate support. We provide information on all your options, including continuing the pregnancy, adoption, and termination. We’re here to support your decision-making process and ensure you receive the care you need.

We provide access to safe and legal termination options, including medical and surgical procedures. The GPs in our clinic will discuss the options with you, ensuring you understand the processes, potential risks, and aftercare. Your comfort, safety, and well-being throughout the process is our top priority.

Postnatal check-ups are typically scheduled six weeks after delivery. Additional visits may be recommended based on your individual needs. These check-ups are important for monitoring your recovery, addressing any physical or emotional concerns, and ensuring your overall health and well-being.

Take the first step towards better health

At Sirona Women’s Health, we’re dedicated to providing you with the personalised, high-quality care you deserve. Our experienced all-female clinic is ready to listen, support, and empower you through every stage of your healthcare journey.